
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Ko Wai Au?

Coccinellidae - Wikipedia

Ko wai au?

I am found worldwide, but especially in temperate climates
My maunga is Mount etna and my kainga is worldwide.
 I can trace my lineage back through Polyphaga, coccinelloidea, coccinellidae, insecta, and cucujiformia. This means that I am an insect and that I am related to all the other insects.
 Going back further, I am also a part of the Arthropoda phylum, which means I have jointed limbs and I am related to other insects like beetles and crustaceans. I am also related to the beetle family Coccinellidae
 My full name is Coccinellidae septempunctata. I am related to all the Coccinella septempunctata In the world. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022



By Tailah



Supportive, creative, Encouraging,

The only one i need


BLOG Devotions Reflection.

We are created in God's image. This means I have God-given Creativity and talents. This week
we read the parable of three servants.

the parable was about... Three servants and one Master. The three servants had been given "Talents" by their Master. one of the servants had been given many Talents, and was able to make lots of money for his master. Well the other didn't have much like the first one. But he was still able to make enough money for his master, and the last servant had only been given one talent. that one talent was only cost of one penny. So that servant had buried that penny in the ground till his master has came back from his long journey. The next day their master had arrived back home. And the three servants had all their gold in their hands except for the last servant, who had only one penny. the other two servants had a bunch, well the other had none. And their master had shooed his servant with one talent.

Something that taught me... The parable had taught me that having one talent doesn't mean hide it or bury it. It showed me that instead you can develop you're talent and show it. 

How can I apply it... I could use it wisely and glorify God. and show it not hide it. 

And My Talent Is... Intrapersonal Intelligence, and Musical Intelligence.

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 In class,  we have been learning about creativity and creative people that we know of. and why we need creativity in our world.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Learning Goals.

 This week we have set goals to work towards. These are the goals I set with my class.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Limerick - poems

 In class we have a goal to know different types of poems and their features.

This is the limerick I wrote about a duck, named truck

1.There once was a duck
His name was Truck
He had to stop
To go to the shop
That was the duck named Truck. 

Here's a limerick poem i learned with my class.

Apostle Paul 

I once was a man named Saul.
I thought I knew it all.
I persecuted the church.
I went to Damascus to search.
Where Jesus transformed me to Paul.

I had lost my sight
All I could see was night.
I heard Jesus’s voice.
I made Him my choice.

Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Urban-Development presentation.

 This term,  we had a project for this last week of school.  Our project was to find what Urban Development means.  I didn't do this alone,  I had help from my friends Emily and Monique.